
Request an interpreter!

We are a mission-based language access program and we can help you prepare for doctor office visits, complete intake forms, attend appointments, receive treatment instructions, and arrange follow-up visits. Our services also include:

  • In-person and telephone medical interpreter in Amharic, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
  • Centralized coordination and access center where clinics and medical specialists can request services online, and clients can call or come to arrange needed services.
  • Simultaneous interpretation for group sessions.
  • Training to providers on use of interpreters.
  • Training to bilingual staff as medical interpreters.
  • Document translation.

Come visit us

"Our Medical Interpreters undergo language proficiency screening and training in interpretation techniques, ethics, and medical vocabulary. "


2831 15th Street NW Washington DC 20009

Monday - Friday 7:30am - 5:30pm

To request an interpreter please:
Call us at 202-464-0158
Email us at